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Akshaya Tritiya

Also known as Akti or Akha Teej, the festival of Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated by Hindus and Jains around the world and believed to be one of the most auspicious occasions. "Akshaya" means "never diminishing" and the term "Tritiya" signifies the third day of the illuminated half of Vaishakha month. May this Akshaya Tritiya light up for you the hopes of happy times and dreams for a year full of smiles! Wishing you a very Happy Akshaya Tritiya!!! According to the Hindu calendar, Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third tithi (lunar day) of Shukla Paksha of the Vaishakha month. Going by the Gregorian calendar, it falls somewhere around April and May.This year 2022, it falls on Tuesday (May 3).


 A DOME is a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base.

Source: Word Pro - Formula.lwp (

Spherical dome
Ellipsoid dome
Ellipsoid dome
Dome calculation



Dome construction
Flattened conduit method 
For more info: Paul Robinson

ā€¢ This involves the molding and flattening of metal tubes. After slightly bending the tubes, a hole is drilled on both the ends of the structure using frames and various other tools. 

ā€¢ simple and less time-consuming, but the structure that is formed must be with other materials as the joints donā€™t have fine finishing.


Tube and Hub style
For more info: Dome building techniques ā€“ Tube & hub construction (

ā€¢ simple, cheap, and professional method which requires the joining of the struts with a larger diameter pipe at the hub holes

ā€¢   the method involves no option for rectifying a damaged hard cover material.

ā€¢ Though a dome structure lasts for a long time, it doesnā€™t need any specialist tools. 

ā€¢ It does have it's drawbacks however. 

ā€¢ Poor ventilation in a dome can lead to problems such as damp and dry rot. To avoid this wooden beams are used while joining the metal hubs at the edges with outside plywood. This is a simple strategy which only requires panels to be nailed together in the correct order. However, as the panels used in the process are not custom-made, the options available for the design are few. It should be noted that wooden beams cannot be used for constructing domes for regions with extreme climate conditions.

Modern Techniques for Constructing Domes



Dome construction
Stressed skin geodesic dome
For more info: Geo- Dome

ā€¢ uses metal or fiberglass panels riveted together. 

ā€¢ saves costs and doesnā€™t require any beams or support structure. However, to prevent any kind of condensation, it becomes necessary to install insulators in the structure.



Dome type
Monolithic dome
For more info: Monolithic dome

ā€¢ made of three phases. This involves using a special type of membrane that is inflated and placed on the dome, giving it a finish that serves like a weather-proof skin, but that can also be damaged very easily.

ā€¢ Unlike the previous method, this style involves the spraying of polyurethane foam to insulate the structure. However, the materials used in the process are not environmentally friendly as they have oil-based chemicals.



ā€¢ observed at airports and exhibition halls

ā€¢ relies on connecting struts to spherical structures that have slots machined into them. 


ā€¢ dome shape is made by cutting and sticking the foam together. 

ā€¢ Chicken wire serves the purpose of reinforcing mesh. 

ā€¢ to ensure that the structure is weatherproof, a thin layer of cement is spread over the entire building.

ā€¢ favor construction of small domes.


ā€¢ advantage of this dome structure is that it provides a massive enclosed space without any type of hindrance or support system. 

ā€¢ can be erected easily and quickly using lightweight materials and a very small crew. There have also been several advancements made in geodesic dome construction methods in the past few years. Nowadays, several companies sell plans and dome materials along with instruction so that the owners can make the dome themselves.

Dome structures, though advantageous, donā€™t match urban planning styles and do not mix well with walls and angled rooftops. However, unlike other construction designs, domes are strong and resistant enough to bear bad weather conditions such as electrical storms, lightning, and earthquakes.

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